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Happiness is not easily won; it is hard to find it in ourselves and impossible to find it elsewhere.

You shall learn to laugh. Now, all higher humor begins with this, that one no longer takes one's person seriously.

Man arrives as a novice at each age of his life.

One is not born, but rather becomes, free.

All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare.

The opposite of humility is pride, and all pride is ignorance.

The language of truth is simple.

Let it not be your honor henceforth whence you come, but where you go!

Where all is well, there is no such thing as injustice. Justice and goodness are inseparable.

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

Image attribution  Background photo by Christina Ambalavanar on Unsplash

To live without philosophizing is properly to have one's eyes closed and never attempt to open them.

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Harmony between two individuals is never granted - it has to be conquered indefinitely.

Harmony between two individuals is never granted - it has to be conquered indefinitely.

Image attribution  Background photo by Finding Dan on Unsplash

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Do not wait to be perfect to start something good.

Fate shuffles the cards and we play.

We have need of morality only for want of love.

The best means of learning to know oneself is seeking to understand others.

No man is weak by choice.

When someone opposes me, he arouses my attention, not my anger. I go to greet a man who contradicts me, who instructs me.

Man is the future of man.

Out of clutter find simplicity ; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

The world of the happy man is a different one from that of the unhappy man.

It is never too late to give up our prejudices.

In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.

Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.

I think my opinions are good and sound, but who does not think the same of his own?

Happiness is sometimes hidden in the unknown.

I am rich in the goods that I can do without.

Love truth, but pardon error.

Love truth, but pardon error.

Image attribution  Background photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

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