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Richard Phillips Feynman

Quote of Richard Phillips Feynman - The 'paradox' is only a conflict...

Biography - Richard Phillips Feynman:

American theoretical physicist.
Born: 1918 - Died: 1988
20th century
Place of birth: United States
United States

The 'paradox' is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality 'ought to be.'

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Quotes for: Feeling

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

Our deeds, our feelings, our thoughts, and our sensations just happen of themselves, as the rain falls and the water flows along the valley.

Both in thought and in feeling, even though time be real, to realise the unimportance of time is the gate of wisdom.

Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying.

Love is not merely a sentiment, it is an art.

All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.


Quotes for: reality

A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So he loses touch with reality, and lives in a world of illusion.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

Only by means of decisions does man enter reality.

The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality.

Common sense tells us that the things of the earth exist only a little, and that true reality is only in dreams.

All fear is imaginary, reality is its antidote.


Richard Phillips Feynman also said...

The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion.

Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.

Nature has a great simplicity and, therefore, a great beauty.

I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world.

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