English German French
Gottfried Leibniz

Quote of Gottfried Leibniz - So far we have just spoken...

Biography - Gottfried Leibniz:

German polymath and philosopher.
Born: 1646 - Died: 1716
18th century
17th century
Place of birth: Germany

So far we have just spoken as simple physicists; now we must rise to metaphysics, by making use of the great principle, little used, commonly, that nothing takes place without sufficient reason, that is, that nothing happens without it being possible for someone who knows enough things to give a reason sufficient to determine why it is so and not otherwise.



(French, German)

Jusqu'ici nous n'avons parlé qu'en simples physiciens: maintenant il faut s'élever à la métaphysique, en nous servant du grand principe, peu employé communément, qui porte que rien ne se fait sans raison suffisante; c'est-à-dire que rien n'arrive sans qu'il soit possible à celui qui connaîtrait assez les choses de rendre une raison qui suffise pour déterminer pourquoi il en est ainsi, et non pas autrement.

Bis hier haben wir nur als einfache Physiker gesprochen. Jetzt müssen wir uns zur Metaphysik aufschwingen, indem wir uns des großen, allgemein selten angewandten Prinzips bedienen, das besagt, dass nichts ohne hinreichenden Grund geschieht; das heißt, dass nichts eintritt, ohne dass es demjenigen, der die Dinge zur Genüge kennte, möglich wäre, einen Grund anzugeben, der hinreicht, zu bestimmen, warum es so und nicht anders ist.

See also 

See also...

He is fortunate who had been able to learn the causes of things.

No contingency anywhere in the universe; no indifference; no liberty. While we act, we are, at the same time, acted upon.


Gottfried Leibniz also said...

Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting.

Nature does not make jumps.

To love is to find pleasure in the happiness of others.

The present is big with the future; the future could be read in the past; the distant is expressed in the near.

Everything is ordered in things once and for all, with as much order and agreement as possible.

Everything that is possible demands to exist.

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