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Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Quote of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - 'It is wiser to give way!'...

Biography - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach:

Austrian writer.
Born: 1830 - Died: 1916
20th century
19th century
Place of birth: Czech Republic
Czech Republic

'It is wiser to give way!' A sad comment, which only goes to prove that stupidity rules the world.



(German, French)

Der Gescheitere gibt nach! Ein unsterbliches Wort. Es begründet die Weltherrschaft der Dummheit.

Le plus intelligent capitule! Une histoire sans fin qui explique pourquoi la bêtise gouverne le monde.

See also 

See also...

The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.


Quotes for: Stupidity

What is tolerance? It is the endowment of humanity. We are all steeped in weakness and error; let us forgive each other our stupidities, that is the first law of nature.

Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do — but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just as there are well-dressed fools.

If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things.

When people begin to philosophize they seem to think it necessary to make themselves artificially stupid.

The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having a question for everything.


Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach also said...

To have and not to give is in some cases worse than stealing.

One has to do good in order for it to exist in the world.

Mastery of the moment is mastery over life.

In all intense joy there is a feeling of gratitude.

Little evil would be done in the world if evil never could be done in the name of good.

An aphorism is the last link in a long chain of thought.

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