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Baltasar Gracian

Quote of Baltasar Gracian - And how great soever a Man's...

Biography - Baltasar Gracian:

Spanish Jesuit and philosopher.
Born: 1601 - Died: 1658
17th century
Place of birth: Spain

And how great soever a Man's Talents may be, unless they be cultivated, they are but half-talents.





(French, Spanish)

Quelque grands que soient les talents d'un homme, ce ne sont que des demi-talents, s'ils ne sont pas cultivés.

El mejor natural es inculto sin ella, y les falta la mitad a las perfecciones si les falta la cultura.

See also 

See also...

We must cultivate our garden.

Where nature is lacking, work supplies.

Quotes for: culture


Quotes about culture:

Culture is what remains when one has forgotten everything we had learned.

Philosophy is the culture of the soul.

Whatever makes for cultural development is working also against war.

Anything that degrades culture shortens the paths that lead to servitude.

It seems to me that, in every culture, I come across a chapter headed 'Wisdom.' And then I know exactly what is going to follow: 'Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.'

Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future.


Quotes for: talent

Article VI – The law is the expression of the general will. All the citizens have the right of contributing personally or through their representatives to its formation. It must be the same for all, either that it protects, or that it punishes. All the citizens, being equal in its eyes, are equally admissible to all public dignities, places and employments, according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their virtues and of their talents.

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.

Talent is shaped in tranquility;
Character in the stream of life.

His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred.

A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.

With people of limited ability modesty is merely honesty. But with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy.


Baltasar Gracian also said...

True knowledge lies in knowing how to live.

Know or listen to those who know.

When in doubt, follow the suit of the wise and prudent.

Hope is a great falsifier of truth.

Fortune is weary to carry one and the same man always upon her shoulders.

There are hurricanes in human affairs, tempests of passion, when it is wise to retire to a harbor and ride it out at anchor. Remedies often make diseases worse.

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info   Image attribution:  title, author, license and source of the original file on Wikipedia. Modifications: changes have been made from the original file (cropping, resizing, renaming and color change).


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