Quote of Galileo Galilei - Philosophy is written in this grand...
Biography - Galileo Galilei:
Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher and mathematician.
Born: 1564 - Died: 1642
17th century
16th century
Place of birth: Italy
Born: 1564 - Died: 1642
17th century
16th century
Place of birth: Italy
Philosophy is written in this grand book, which stands continually open before our eyes (I say the Universe), but can not be understood without first learning to comprehend the language and know the characters as it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and its characters are triangles, circles and other geometric figures, without which it is impossible to humanly understand a word; without these one is wandering in a dark labyrinth.
(German, French, Italian)La filosofia è scritta in questo grandissimo libro che continuamente ci sta aperto innanzi a gli occhi (io dico l'universo), ma non si può intendere se prima non s'impara a intender la lingua, e conoscer i caratteri, ne' quali è scritto. Egli è scritto in lingua matematica, e i caratteri son triangoli, cerchi, ed altre figure geometriche, senza i quali mezi è impossibile a intenderne umanamente parola; senza questi è un aggirarsi vanamente per un oscuro laberinto.
See also...
Quotes for: to learn
What experience and history teach is this — that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.
You shall learn to laugh. Now, all higher humor begins with this, that one no longer takes one's person seriously.
Quotes about nature:
Quotes about philosophy:
To live without philosophizing is properly to have one's eyes closed and never attempt to open them.
Happiness is the goal of philosophy. Or to be more precise, the goal of philosophy is wisdom, and therefore happiness.
Quotes about the Universe:
The universe confounds me! I cannot imagine that such a ‘clock’ can exist without there being a Clockmaker.
The only true voyage, the only bath in the Fountain of Youth, would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes, to see the universe through the eyes of another, of a hundred others, to see the hundred universes that each of them sees, that each of them is.
Nothing is indifferent, nothing is powerless in the universe; an atom can dissolve everything, an atom can save everything
Quotes about science:
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Science means simply the aggregate of all the recipes that are always successful. All the rest is literature.
Quotes for: book
Real education consists in drawing the best out of yourself. What better book can there be than the book of humanity?
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