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François de La Rochefoucauld

Quote of François de La Rochefoucauld - Neither the sun nor death can...

Biography - François de La Rochefoucauld:

French moralist, author of maxims and memoirs.
Born: 1613 - Died: 1680
17th century
Place of birth: France

Neither the sun nor death can be looked at without winking.



Other version: "Neither the sun nor death can be looked at with a steady eye."

Quote source: Reflections, or Sentences and Moral Maxims

Wikisource - La Rochefoucauld - Maximes et Réflexions morales (fr) 



(French, German, Italian)

Le soleil ni la mort ne se peuvent regarder fixement.

Weder die Sonne noch den Tod kann man fest anblicken.

il sole e la morte non si possono guardare fissamente

See also 

See also...

Truth is like the sun. It casts light on everything but does not let itself stared at.

To a Friend of Light
If you want to spare your eyes and your mind,
follow the sun from the shadows behind.

Quotes for: death


Quotes about death:

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.

Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death.

A free man thinks of nothing less than of death, and his wisdom is a meditation, not on death, but on life.

After your death you will be what you were before your birth.

Quotes for: sun


Quotes for: sun

The sun is new each day.

It is found again.
What? Eternity.
It is the sea
Gone with the sun.

What good is all sunrise, if we do not stand up?

Education is another sun to those who are educated.

You must be very polite to the Earth
And to the sun

The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.


François de La Rochefoucauld also said...

It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.

There is no disguise which can long hide love where it exists, nor feign it where it does not.

If we had no pride we should not complain of that of others.

Philosophy triumphs easily over past evils and future evils; but present evils triumph over it.

Few people know how to be old.

We are never so happy or so unhappy as we suppose.

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info   Image attribution:  title, author, license and source of the original file on Wikipedia. Modifications: changes have been made from the original file (cropping, resizing, renaming and color change).


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