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Article VI – The law is...

Article VI – The law is the expression of the general will. All the citizens have the right of contributing personally or through their representatives to its formation. It must be the same for all, either that it protects, or that it punishes. All the citizens, being equal in its eyes, are equally admissible to all public dignities, places and employments, according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their virtues and of their talents.



(French, German, Italian, Spanish)

Article VI – La loi est l’expression de la volonté générale. Tous les citoyens ont droit de concourir personnellement, ou par leurs représentants, à sa formation. Elle doit être la même pour tous, soit qu’elle protège, soit qu’elle punisse. Tous les citoyens, étant égaux à ses yeux, sont également admissibles à toutes dignités, places et emplois publics, selon leurs capacités et sans autre distinction que celle de leurs vertus et de leurs talents.

Artikel 6 – Das Gesetz ist der Ausdruck des allgemeinen Willens. Alle Bürger haben das Recht, persönlich oder durch ihre Vertreter an seiner Gestaltung mitzuwirken. Es muss für alle gleich sein, mag es beschützen oder bestrafen. Da alle Bürger vor ihm gleich sind, sind sie alle gleichermaßen, ihren Fähigkeiten entsprechend und ohne einen anderen Unterschied als den ihrer Eigenschaften und Begabungen, zu allen öffentlichen Würden, Ämtern und Stellungen zugelassen.

Art. VI – La legge è l'espressione della volontà generale, avendo tutti i cittadini diritto di concorrere alla sua formazione, personalmente o per rappresentanti; e debb' essere per tutti la stessa, o protegga o punisca. Tutti i cittadini, come uguali ai suoi occhi, sono del pari ammissibili a tutte le dignità, cariche, pubblici impieghi, secondo la loro capacità, e senza altra distinzione che quella delle virtù e dell'abilità.

Art. VI – La Ley es expresión de la voluntad general. Todos los ciudadanos tienen derecho a colaborar en su formación, sea personalmente, sea por medio de sus representantes. Debe ser igual para todos, sea para proteger o para castigar. Siendo todos los Ciudadanos iguales ante ella, todos son igualmente elegibles para todos los honores, colocaciones y empleos públicos, conforme a su capacidad, y sin ninguna otra distinción que la creada por sus virtudes y conocimientos.

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Quotes for: Human rights


Quotes about Human rights:

Article I – Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.

Article IV – Liberty consists of doing anything which does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the enjoyment of these same rights. These borders can be determined only by the law.

Article II – The goal of any political association is the conservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, safety and resistance against oppression.

Article III – The principle of any sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation. No body, no individual can exert authority which does not emanate expressly from it.

Article V – The law has the right to forbid only actions harmful to society. Anything which is not forbidden by the law cannot be impeded, and no one can be constrained to do what it does not order.

Article VII – No man can be accused, arrested nor detained but in the cases determined by the law, and according to the forms which it has prescribed. Those who solicit, dispatch, carry out or cause to be carried out arbitrary orders, must be punished; but any citizen called or seized under the terms of the law must obey at once; he renders himself culpable by resistance.

Quotes for: law


Quotes for: law

Article IV – Liberty consists of doing anything which does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the enjoyment of these same rights. These borders can be determined only by the law.

There are two ways of contesting, the one by the law, the other by force; the first method is proper to men, the second to beasts.

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.

People must help one another it is nature's law.

Article V – The law has the right to forbid only actions harmful to society. Anything which is not forbidden by the law cannot be impeded, and no one can be constrained to do what it does not order.

Article VII – No man can be accused, arrested nor detained but in the cases determined by the law, and according to the forms which it has prescribed. Those who solicit, dispatch, carry out or cause to be carried out arbitrary orders, must be punished; but any citizen called or seized under the terms of the law must obey at once; he renders himself culpable by resistance.


Quotes for: ability

Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

It is better to trust in ability than in luck.

The scholar is that man who must take up into himself all the ability of the time, all the contributions of the past, all the hopes of the future.

The ability of calm reflection is the beginning of all wisdom, the source of all goodness !


Quotes for: talent

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.

Talent is shaped in tranquility;
Character in the stream of life.

His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred.

A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.

With people of limited ability modesty is merely honesty. But with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy.

There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power.


Quotes for: citizen

Article VII – No man can be accused, arrested nor detained but in the cases determined by the law, and according to the forms which it has prescribed. Those who solicit, dispatch, carry out or cause to be carried out arbitrary orders, must be punished; but any citizen called or seized under the terms of the law must obey at once; he renders himself culpable by resistance.

Article XI – The free communication of thoughts and of opinions is one of the most precious rights of man: any citizen thus may speak, write, print freely, except to respond to the abuse of this liberty, in the cases determined by the law.

Article XII – The guarantee of the rights of man and of the citizen necessitates a public force: this force is thus instituted for the advantage of all and not for the particular utility of those in whom it is trusted.

Article XIII – For the maintenance of the public force and for the expenditures of administration, a common contribution is indispensable; it must be equally distributed between all the citizens, according to their ability to pay.

Article XIV – Each citizen has the right to ascertain, by himself or through his representatives, the need for a public tax, to consent to it freely, to know the uses to which it is put, and of determining the proportion, basis, collection, and duration.

Citizens of the democratic societies should undertake a course of intellectual self defense to protect themselves from manipulation and control.


Quotes for: equality

Article I – Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.

The nations of our time cannot prevent the conditions of men from becoming equal; but it depends upon themselves whether the principle of equality is to lead them to servitude or freedom, to knowledge or barbarism, to prosperity or to wretchedness.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

He who seeks equality between unequals seeks an absurdity.


also said...

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

You cannot hold the day back, but you can avoid wasting it.

Article IV – Liberty consists of doing anything which does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the enjoyment of these same rights. These borders can be determined only by the law.

Article I – Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.

We build too many walls and not enough bridges.

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