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George Bernard Shaw

Quote of George Bernard Shaw - Capitalism has destroyed our belief in...

Biography - George Bernard Shaw:

Irish playwright critic and polemicis.
Born: 1856 - Died: 1950
20th century
19th century
Place of birth: United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force.

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Quotes for: interest


Quotes about interest:

Though men be much governed by interest; yet even interest itself, and all human affairs, are entirely governed by opinion.

Interest speaks all sorts of tongues and plays all sorts of characters; even that of disinterestedness.

All men are liable to error and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it.

The virtues lose themselves in interest as the rivers are lost in the sea.

Reason does not know the interests of the heart.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.


George Bernard Shaw also said...

Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history.

All great truths begin as blasphemies.

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.

Man can climb to the highest summits; but he cannot dwell there long.

The best reformers the world has ever seen are those who commence on themselves.

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.

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