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Albert Camus

Quote of Albert Camus - Truth is mysterious, elusive, always to...

Biography - Albert Camus:

French philosopher, author, and journalist. Nobel Prize in Literature (1957).
Born: 1913 - Died: 1960
20th century
Place of birth: Algeria

Truth is mysterious, elusive, always to be conquered. Liberty is dangerous, as hard to live with as it is elating. We must march toward these two goals, painfully but resolutely, certain in advance of our failings on so long a road.






La vérité est mystérieuse, fuyante, toujours à conquérir. La liberté est dangereuse, dure à vivre autant qu’exaltante. Nous devons marcher vers ces deux buts, péniblement, mais résolument, certains d’avance de nos défaillances sur un si long chemin.

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Quotes for: way


Quotes for: way

Courage in the path is what makes the path manifest itself.

If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there.

Be confident: Truth is not the end of the way, it is the way itself.

One never goes so far as when one no longer knows where one is going.

Each man must invent his own path.

The way up and down is one and the same.

Quotes for: danger


Quotes about danger:

But where the danger is,
also grows the saving power.

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it's the only one we have.

The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.

The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.

Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.

The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world.

Quotes for: truth


Quotes for: truth

To be able to discern what is true as true and what is false as false — this is the mark and character of intelligence.

Love truth, but pardon error.

Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.

The language of truth is simple.

Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority.

Truth prevails only to the extent that we successfully assert it. The victory of reason can only be the victory of rational people.

Quotes for: freedom


Quotes about freedom:

One is not born, but rather becomes, free.

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere.

This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.

Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.

Article I – Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.


Albert Camus also said...

The need to be right - the sign of a vulgar mind.

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

The greatness of man lies in his decision to be stronger than his condition.

There are more things to admire in men than to despise.

The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.

True artists scorn nothing: they are obliged to understand rather than to judge.

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info   Image attribution:  title, author, license and source of the original file on Wikipedia. Modifications: changes have been made from the original file (cropping, resizing, renaming and color change).


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