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Elisabeth Faure

Quote of Elisabeth Faure - Right from the beginning, to me...

Biography - Elisabeth Faure:

French architect.
Place of birth: Morocco

Right from the beginning, to me the point of architecture, has actually been to show people that even if you are poor, you do not need to live in misery.



Quote source: La maison en A

Youtube - La maison en A (fr) 




L'architecture pour moi, dès le départ, c'est vraiment de montrer aux gens qu'on peut être pauvre, mais qu'on n'est pas obligé de vivre dans la misère.

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Quotes for: architecture


Quotes about architecture:

Architecture in general is frozen music.

Architecture is the great book of humanity, the principal expression of man in his different stages of development, either as a force or as an intelligence.

Thus, down to the time of Gutenberg, architecture is the principal writing, the universal writing.

The mood which emanates from architecture comes close to the effect of music.

Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.

I call architecture frozen music.

Quotes for: poverty


Quotes about poverty:

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.

Nature never said to me: Do not be poor; still less did she say: Be rich; her cry to me was always: Be independent.

As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.

Abundance makes me poor.

A propensity to hope and joy is real riches: One to fear and sorrow, real poverty.

Another cause of our poverty lies in our new needs.

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