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Quote of Confucius - Real knowledge is to know the...

Biography - Confucius:

Chinese teacher, editor, politician and philosopher.
Born: -551 - Died: -479
5th century BC
6th century BC
Place of birth: China

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.



(French, German)

La vraie connaissance est de connaître l'étendue de son ignorance.

Das wahre Wissen liege darin, das Ausmaß der eigenen Unwissenheit zu kennen.

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Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite.

All I know is that I know nothing.

Quotes for: ignorance


Quotes about ignorance:

The opposite of humility is pride, and all pride is ignorance.

The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.

Ignorance is the mother of all evils.

I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance.

Suppose a man can convince me of error and bring home to me that I am mistaken in thought or act; I shall be glad to alter, for the truth is what I pursue, and no one was ever injured by the truth, whereas he is injured who continues in his own self-deception and ignorance.

Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.
Plato / 

Quotes for: knowledge


Quotes for: knowledge

True knowledge lies in knowing how to live.

Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

Every other knowledge is harmful to him who does not have knowledge of goodness.

Human wisdom consists in a knowledge of the order in which it is profitable to know things;


Confucius also said...

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.

Demand much from yourself, little from others, and you will prevent discontent.

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.

The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.

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info   Image attribution:  title, author, license and source of the original file on Wikipedia. Modifications: changes have been made from the original file (cropping, resizing, renaming and color change).


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