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Charles Dickens

Quote of Charles Dickens - A very little key will open...

Biography - Charles Dickens:

English writer and social critic.
Born: 1812 - Died: 1870
19th century
Place of birth: United Kingdom
United Kingdom

A very little key will open a very heavy door.



(German, French)

Auch eine schwere Tür hat nur einen kleinen Schlüssel nötig.

Même une lourde porte ne nécessite qu'une petite clé.

See also 

See also...

Important matters may manifest themselves through small signs.


Charles Dickens also said...

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.

Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears.

I believe the power of observation in numbers of very young children to be quite wonderful for its closeness and accuracy. Indeed, I think that most grown men who are remarkable in this respect, may with greater propriety be said not to have lost the faculty, than to have acquired it.

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