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Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière
Find the best quotes, maxims and aphorisms of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière
Biography : French playwright and actor.
Born: 1622 - Died: 1673
17th century
Place of birth: France
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Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - Quotes

One should eat to live, and not live to eat.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The Miser / 

With a smile we should instruct our youth.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The School for Husbands / 

Love is a great master. It teaches us to be what we never were.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The School for Wives / 

Love is a great master. It teaches us to be what we never were.

To live without loving is not really to live.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - La Princesse d'Élide / 

To live without loving is not really to live.

The defects of human nature afford us opportunities of exercising our philosophy.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The Misanthrope / 

If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The Learned Women / 

I don't know whether it can be or not; but I know well enough that so it is.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - L'Amour médecin / 

All that is not prose is verse; and all that is not verse is prose.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - Le Bourgeois gentilhomme / 

The world, dear Agnes, is a strange affair.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The School for Wives / 

Good heavens! For more than forty years I have been speaking prose without knowing it.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - Le Bourgeois gentilhomme / 

On some preference esteem is based;
To esteem everything is to esteem nothing.

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The Misanthrope / 

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The Imaginary Invalid / 

If we are too wise, we may be equally to blame.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Molière - The Misanthrope / 

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