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Marcus Tullius Cicero
Find the best quotes, maxims and aphorisms of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Biography : Roman politician and lawyer.
Born: -106 - Died: -43
1st century BC
2nd century BC
Place of birth: Italy
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Marcus Tullius Cicero - Quotes

Action is the language of the body and should harmonize with the spirit within.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - De oratore / 

Any man can make mistakes.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - Philippicae / 

Any man can make mistakes.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - Ad Familiares, Letter IV to Varro / 

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

Image attribution  Background photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

The art of living well, is of all the arts the greatest.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Philosophy is the culture of the soul.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

A true friend is discerned during an uncertain matter.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Justice seeks no reward.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - De legibus / 

Justice seeks no reward.

A friend is, as it were, a second self.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

The beginnings of all things are small.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - De finibus bonorum et malorum / 

They became wise too late.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Peace is liberty in tranquillity.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

To light a fire with fire.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Nature is the best guide of a good life.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Let your desires be governed by reason.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Philosophy is true mother of the arts.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

Our thoughts are free.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

It is pleasant to think of labours that are past.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

To the sick, while there is life there is hope.
Marcus Tullius Cicero / 

O philosophy, life’s guide! O searcher-out of virtue and expeller of vices! What could we and every age of men have been without thee? Thou hast produced cities; thou hast called men scattered about into the social enjoyment of life.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He that follows this rule may be old in body, but can never be so in mind.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Time destroys the speculation of men, but it confirms nature.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Brevity is a great charm of eloquence.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Old age: the crown of life, our play's last act.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thrift is of great revenue.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Next to God we are nothing. To God we are Everything.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

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